Sure, you've probably gone out with tons of women. But, I'm willing to bet that you've been dating the same women over and over again.
We often go back to the same kind of women, the same personalities and/or modes of interaction. Not only does dating the same kind of women all the time become boring, it doesn't let you evolve. Check out this collection of different types of women so you'll find out what you've been missing out on - romantically and sexually - because of not mixing up your play list.

The hot sophisticate

Her strengths

This woman is funny, sexy, and spontaneous. Whenever you walk into a room with hair, everyone stares at you. They're jealous. This is the kind of women every man wants, and she's the type that makes you feel awesome when you're the one that's with her.

Her weaknesses

You got to have a whole lot of confidence to date a women like this. She Love's attention, but you can't get jealous. If you're independent she'll love your ambition, but make sure it's you she wants - not the ego boast or money in your wallet.

Her in the bedroom

She isn't the shy type and is perfectly groomed. Tell her you want her on top, preferably wearing something pricey that accentuates her breasts.

The arty hipster

Her strengths

She knows where all the cool bars are and where all the art shows with free wine are located. She's excoting and stylish but more attainable than the hot sophisticate. She would actually go for a nerd or intellectual and she cares a lot about culture. She's great for the guy that wants to learn more about music and art.

Her weaknesses

Don't keep going after her beacause you think her coolness will just suddenly rub off on you. If your interests don't match, don't expect you'll just roll along with her taste. Women like this have a lot of opinions, they want you to know the difference between one artist from another.

Her in the bedroom

She's a bad bad girl. Too bad her bed is also badly cleaned. Tell her if she cahnges her sheets before you come over, you'll take her to some wine festival or something.

The vegitarian yoga girl

Her strenghts

She's got great skin and she loves to give you back rubs with weird oils. All that yoga means she barely ever looses her temper, and it also means she has a great rear bottom. This is the kind of women that really wants to connect with life, and a man that wants the same can really get hooked with her. A analytical, independant, or creative guys could find her different view fascinating.

Her weaknesses

This women only wants men that are interested in the same things as her. So love everything about her, or not.

Her in the bedroom

You've seen kama sutra? Get buckled up, but no quickies. This women likes it slow and full of meaning.

The alpha female

Her strenghts

She graduated college early and went straight to law school without ever taking a break. She's difficult to keep up with. Ironically, she's not into alpha males. A school teacher will do well with this type of girl. If you're not into power plays, she won't fight you.

Her weaknesses

She has alot in common with alpha males but a raltionship with one would be too intense. They would never be able to make time for each other. If your a pushover type, don't even think about having a realtionship with her.

Her in the bedroom

She's skilled and efficient, but you're not going to get an animal out of her if you can't help her gaurd go down.

The intimacy addict

Her strenghts

She does yoga too, but it's more the kind that's about connecting to one's self rather than making a hot body. She'll get a little in-your-face, but so what? The sex is beyond amazing. This women is a great kisser. She's intense and very much into connecting. An independant man will love a deeply verbal girl. All men should date a women like this. This women will help any man to learn how to communicate.

Her weaknesses

She'll make you feel great a t first. She'll be so into you and your feelings. An analytical man will easily get hooked on this kind of girl, but later on there will be a lot of talk about the "meaning" of your realtionship. This could cause some trouble. Tread lightly.

Her in the bedroom

She will do anything. She might even do some things that will scare the shit out of you.

The house women

Her strenghts

She is no gold digger. All this kind of woman wants is a simple car and a cozy three bedroom house. She wants to take care of your children, and also take care of you. Many men love the ego from being the one that provides for the family, and that's okey. A man who grew up in a traditional household will love this woman. Also, a man that grew up in domestic chaos would also love her for the stable home she provides.

Her weaknesses

Don't expect her to get a job. This kind of arrangement works as it helps you to focus on your work as she takes care of the house, but if financial problams build up you might never convince her to apply for a job.

Her in the bedroom

She'll be eager at first and she'll try most things but as you have more kids, less so. Better get a babysitter to fix that.